Open-angle glaucoma: To screen or not to screen?In a published statement in JAMA Network on May 24/31, 2022, the U.S. Preventive Services [...]
The dichotomy of patient needs and patient wantsAs a practicing ophthalmologist, I saw many patients who had developed blurred vision, glare, or [...]
Advocacy and ResourcesFor senior services, especially the vision impaired, consider Those caring for older relatives will [...]
Playing the hand you are dealtAnyone can win at poker when dealt a royal flush. But what can you do [...]
“Take it or leave it” is not negotiation but coercion [PODCAST]“Physicians can exert their influence in a health care environment to put the patient-physician relationship [...]
“Take it or leave it” is not negotiation but coercion“Take it or leave it” is not negotiation but coercion. Physicians have been subject to [...]
Crowdfunding Vxtra Health: Reasons why I invest my energy (and money!) My threefold reasons are what drive me. Help Rebuild Trust I want to help [...]
Getting messy in the game of health care“We can’t sit in the stands – we have to get messy and play on [...]
The Other Side of the KnifeBy Paul Pender, MD The surgeon becomes the surgical patient. That was my summary thought [...]