Bogey Busters Book Signing
What better way to launch a book signing tour than with a bunch of golfing buddies? The short answer: there is no better way. First, you have a captive audience. Two foursomes playing golf on Columbus Day weekend make for good times among friends. These gentlemen golfers received a “swag bag” from me containing a face mask plus hand sanitizer, a sample bottle of artificial tears, M & M candies, a coupon for their favorite golf balls, a thumb drive containing a short movie I produced describing the teams and the venues, and a copy of my book, “Rebuilding Trust in Healthcare.” My friends gathered in my hotel room after the round of golf and dinner for a nightcap. I handed each player his gift, and I received requests for signing the book. It would have simply been rude to refuse their requests. Second, the Cape Cod hotel lobby was the perfect venue for the book signing. A lot of people were milling around after the free breakfast, so it generated interest. Perhaps the anonymous hotel guests thought a free book came with their stay. Third, there was something prophetic about the date of the book signing, 10/10/2020. An easy date to remember, as most of these fellow golfers were my age and prone to occasional memory lapses.

Our “Bogey Busters” tour enjoyed the best of New England Fall weather, and we relished the chance to savor our sport and fellowship while observing social distancing. As a first-time author and organizer of a book signing, I felt that this event would be hard to equal.